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A simple way to keep everyone up to date on my life as a young adult and college student.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Midterms, Kappa Inspiration, and a wall

So, two weeks ago was midterms. I actually didn't have that many tests (only two) and I feel very fortunate, but i think my homework load almost equaled the stress my fellow sorority sisters were feeling this week.

Still, with those two tests, combined with stuff for the house and everything else going on in my life my mind was pretty much mush by the end of the week, and i'm surprised i have anything to talk about in this post... or if it's even intelligible at all, so we'll see how this goes.

Honestly though, I really can't complain too much, because my homework and week was not even that bad.

Anyway,  a few weeks ago, I made a post on Facebook with a whole bunch of quotes of thoughts I had for that day, and that I would talk about them in this blog post! 

Those thoughts were:

"Hey there Jersey Shore"
"Hey ma, if I return home with monster thighs, will you still love me?"
"Having it be 80 degrees outside with the sun setting earlier messes with my head"
"Kids are genuine, their honesty is the best"

Well, The comment about Jersey Shore was on my second day of work study at my new location, and I was riding my bike downtown and this guy, who totally looked like he was a hardcore whitey  New Jersey wannabe from the Northwest, was on his phone, walked out really slowly in front of me, and when i looked annoyed that he did that, (because my brakes are going out... life of a college student) he gave me a once-over with an expression that was a mixture of a disgusting "Hey-there girly" and "who do you think you are?" very confusing, and i'm not sure I will ever be able to ignore the notorious Moscow-Men-Stare either... although it is not a prevalent to me now as it was the first week of school.

Aaaaannnd, on a slightly more recent note (considering i started this post like two weeks ago... ptsh, as if that wasn't obvious) I am officially a Kappa Kappa Gamma of the Beta Kappa chapter at the beautiful and WONDERFUL University of Idaho. This has been a week of mostly reflection (when i have time) showing me how much I have grown in at least the last year. This is even more prevalent when I look at pictures and am reminded of where i was at, and what I was thinking in that picture... I'm loving it. I cannot wait to live my life, i'm so full of it, and I hope that when I am a seasoned adult I will still feel this feeling through the continuous renewal of life from my wonderful creator. Today, I just outlined my classes for next semester, and it is looking like I will be very busy with some art classes. This is slightly funny to me, and i bet a lot of people back where i am from (holla PF!), because in High School I did not take a single art class, and was incredibly involved in all sorts of performing arts... believe me i've heard it enough times. Either way, I am enjoying the challenge, and through various circumstances in my life I feel like God has truly prepared me for this season in my life.

I must confess I am suffering from serious withdrawals from the performing arts... I have the shakes almost on a continuous daily basis. However, there is just simply no time for any classes not relating to my major. No time has never been a real determent for anything related to what I want to do, and being on my own has given me quite a surge of confidence.

This past week (Oct. 24-29) I officially hit my motivational wall. A boy what a wall it was. It was my first time fully experiencing what it felt like to procrastinate all week and cram a four-page essay into one night. I can hear the laughter now. One of my professors pretty much put it into perspective. Since it's halfway through the semester, and we just got done with a gruelling week of Midterms, everyone is really tired and in desperate need of a vacation. Isn't that the truth.

For the most part, after having Midterms and my Inititation into KKG, my life finally feels like it's quieted down and I have entered into the routine of college. Just in time to schedule new classes. I met with my art advisor last week, and sometime in the next two years I apparently need to take a figure drawing class. For those of you who do not know me, or know what a figure drawing class is, this is quite a shocker.

#1: a figure drawing class is when you draw a real-live person in their birthday suit, and no there is no confetti or birthday cake.

#2: just think of me in this setting and i'm sure you're going to get your laugh in for the day...

I swear this will be like something out of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2, and i usually don't blush, but i'm fairly positive my face turned a nice shade of crimson.

On a spiritual note, be praying for me, the last few weeks have been especially challenging getting any sort of quiet time, and my soul is definitely suffering from it. Although the other day i was on a walk through the admin lawn, and I happened to look up into the beautiful burnt orange, yellow canopy above me to see the natural stained-sky with the warm sunlight shining behind it, and i'm positive that I got a glimpse of heaven, because my soul leaped for joy. I felt so carefree in that moment, which is saying something, because I have had only a few moments in my life these last few months where I have had the blessing of feeling that way. No complaining, just dealing with young-adulthood.

Anyways, this last week has been pretty lax, meaning "relaxed" (in order to be cool in college you have to learn to abbreviate well). And there's really nothing else to report! I honestly do not know when my next post will be, but i'll try for next week... there's really no promises though haha. I hope all of your lives are going great, and thank you so much for reading, it means so much to me to know that people care this much about my life!

Keep Calm, and rest :)

In Christ,
~Alyse :)


  1. This was very enjoyable! It was informative, fun, witty and comical. :) keep it up Alyse! so proud of you :)

  2. Thanks Anonymous! I'm glad it's enjoyable! :)
