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Sunday, September 25, 2011


As a precursor to this entry, please read Luke 15:8-10

...supposing you just did... that is what this post will mostly be about this week!

The reason I chose that is because literally the day after i made my last blog post half of my junk on my shelf fell behind the bed/wall space, or a.k.a. the "no man's land". This was the, shall we say... a cherry on top? (or crescendo?) to so many other things falling behind there. I had been putting off rescuing all of those lost knick-knacks for weeks, but finally it was imperative that i rescued them from the abyss of the dirty, dusty prison in which they had fallen. So, much like the woman in Luke 15:8-10 I rescued a mirror (which broke, *sad face), a bobble-head turtle, and something else... now it's been a few weeks, give me a break. So, in all actuality they weren't items that were detrimental to my existence, but it is one of my quirks to not leave things behind or lost... even if they're inanimate objects. Seriously, when I was little it was ten times worse, but even today a green pepper fell off of a shelf at Wal-Mart and i wanted to rescue it. I think this is a result of movies/shows like Toy Story or The Brave Little Toaster, they gave life to stuff that doesn't talk! Whatever... this isn't what this post is about...

To get to the "No-Man's-Land" that all of my stuff fell into, i had to move my dresser with all sorts of other junk in it, and being American, there's some substantial stuff in it. If you're at all familiar with the amount of upper body strength that i possess, you would be greatly impressed to hear that I actually moved this HUGE dresser out of the way to get my knick-knacks who were being held ransom by the abyss behind the bed/against the wall/to the right of my dresser... anyway... much like the woman n Luke who was actually searching high and low throughout her house for something that was worth more than my helpless knick-knacks, I pursued my inanimate objects with vigor and in the process, rearranged my second shelf so things would not be so easily lost in that horrible area behind/beside/between the wall/bed/dresser.

...and, everyone, that's what today's post is about...

What are we doing with our lives? What are we pursuing? We may not have stone idols to commit adultery on God with, but we have something almost more sinister. Our idols are what consume most of our time. They're hiding under the thin veneer of our happy little lives. What are you devoting your time to? What am I devoting my time to? To be honest... i don't even know half the time, which is still probably the same thing. Scratch that, it is. if we're still riding the "Honesty Train" most of the time I'm thinking of what I need to do next, and am never present. All the while there's a banner in my head that reads: "Welcome to college and being an adult, Alyse" with a welcoming committee shaking my hand, saying "so glad to have you here, so glad..." 

--right about now is when i'd insert one of those adolescent stars with the word "sigh" after it, but that's just so juvenile, but i'm so far from that now... 

I've decided that when all is said and done, and i've come to the end of my physical life, I want to be satisfied with everything I have done in my life. I don't care if I make mistakes**, I just want to say I put my all and everything into all and everything that God had for me in this life. I want to be used greatly by God in all of his works everywhere I am, and I want to live my life knowing the people I come in contact with. Darn it, i'm going to LIVE! I'm going to double and triple God's investment in my life, even though i'm the worst person with finances, and struggle with self-control. God will use that to refine me in the fire. God, bring it on, I want to be all you've created me to be, mold me so when you look at me you will say "Well done my good and faithful student". 

Recently, a man I didn't know that well passed. He was a respected Police Man in the Northern Idaho area. It saddens me I didn't get the opportunity to know him better, but no matter, because the people that he touched have also touched my life. He was a man I looked to as a brother in Christ and it comforts me that one day I know i'll get to see him someday in heaven, and have the rest of eternity. I am fairly certain God has told him that beautiful phrase: "Well done, my good and faithful servant." (Luke 19:17). R.I.P. Jonathan Mathew Franco, you've affected this area more than you realized. 

God is good. God is great. God is eternal. There is nothing in all creation that could separate us from Him, or His love. God is God.

Thanks for reading, I hope it was an encouragement to you, and never forget the strength of the One who we serve.

In Him,
Alyse Emily Neal

**What I mean is: I am not going to go through life living the 'morning after' gospel, messing up and then asking God's forgiveness, what I mean is I'm going to live wholeheartedly with what God has for me, abiding in his voice, and meditating in his perfections

Here's some pictures for thought:

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