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A simple way to keep everyone up to date on my life as a young adult and college student.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Plastic Red Cups (or blue, whichever)

So, it has been made apparent to me that red plastic dixie cups are the staple of all things related to College Parties...
Correction: i've known this for a while, but either way i'm putting it in this new post. This staple is so apparent that in various job trainings I have had, they highly suggest that you remove any pictures of you on social websites that have you with those shiny Red Cups (or blue cups).

Food for thought:

if Red Cups (also blue cups) are such a strong symbol that for hiring purposes you have to remove pictures of yourself with them from social media, can you apply that to your life? i.e. what do YOU stand for? Do you even want to stand for anything? It is funny to me that some people read articles that have titles like: "what you can tell from a person's shoes...." well, of course you can tell what a person is like by their shoes, they picked them out? Are you picking up what i'm putting down?

Well, this last week has certainly been interesting to say the least. I experienced my first mixer at Delta Tau Delta (spelling? Sorry boys!), and i must say it was very classy. And no, I did not have any wine... just to reassure those of you who doubt my extremely iron-clad will. They were kind enough to provide sparkling cider for those of us who did not want to drink. Once again, very classy :)

Labor Day weekend was a very fantastic rest from all of the business of the first two weeks of school. I believe in my last post i expressed some worries over financial issues, but as always God has totally provided means for me to stay at Kappa Kappa Gamma, and has showed me some creative ways (from the advice of several of my extremely beautiful and wonderful Kappa sisters) to manage my time as far as homework goes. Sticky notes are a friend when space in your planner is full, AND using your online resources such as CALENDARS (who knew right?) which your teacher suggested the first day, and making an intelligible list of your classes so you can check them off is quite a good idea :)

This last week has not gone exactly how I would have wanted it to go, however. I have had absolutely no time to journal or read my bible. Even now a memory of my mom saying: "you make time for the things that are important to you"... *sigh*  it seams that mothers are always right. Well, either way i'm going to make time, because tomorrow, Friday, I am going to run away from Kappa for an hour or two and seclude myself somewhere and MAKE time for some good 'ol bible reading. Whew! Now let's see how it works out...

The hardest thing so far in my college experience (at least this week) is definitely time management. And, I may have already said that in my last post, but hey, this is definitely not a high-end blog, and I also highly doubt that it will blow up like, oh, say, a certain cooking blog having to do with Julia Child? Whatever, I'd have to put so much into this thing, and i'm a full-time student! Okay, so again "you make time for the things you want", well then, my priorities are elsewhere... nice execution of time management ay?

Well, that concludes this week's entry. I'm also not promising one will be here next week, but keep your eyes open on facebook for links, because that is usually when I have made a new entry. Thank you all for your prayers, and keep them up! I think the biggest thing is discernment and wisdom with my time and where I put my attention. Love you all! And share this with anyone you feel would need any kind of encouragement!

Some verses to check out that are good for praise to God:
Psalm 50:1-6
Psalm 65
(basically any psalms)

For some awe-inspiring ones:
Psalm 91:14-16
Job 38 (extremely humbling)

And just a good one that we did in service for Real Life Post Falls:
Acts 26

*basically, there's a whole lot more where this came from, and if you're really interested, God's the one behind it all, and I or definitely someone in your life is probably aching to talk with you about Him. I hope that this was encouraging to you, and I pray that that is what it would be to my fellow brothers and sisters, as well as a sort of catalyst for change.

In Him who is my life and breath,
~Alyse :)


  1. Alyse, it's so fun to watch you grow up. From your first interview till now God has done some amazing things in your life. Your writting are 100% you. I can hear your voice in every sentence. Be blessed and be on mission.


  2. Thanks so much Haas! That made my day!
