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A simple way to keep everyone up to date on my life as a young adult and college student.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Well, in reference to the weather, this week could be accurately described using a simple phrase... if i wanted to do figure skating, skiing, or any kind of Winter Olympic sport, I would have used my time in my childhood and adolescence to do so. Seriously, the combination of the hills in Moscow, with the snow, ice and freezing rain makes for an interesting usually 10 minute commute to class a twenty or forty minute commute depending on the state of your shoes, where you go, etc. Luckily, the view from the windows in the top floors of my house make for perfect people watching (yes, it happens) which is incredibly entertaining.

We recently switched rooms this is wonderful because now i get to experience life with girls who are in my PC (pledge class) and oh the many memories we've been making this week. Every day it seems as though God gives me something else to be thankful for midst the trifles of being a young adult.. which is a weird concept to me still.

Just today I was thinking about how much I have grown up. It's weird how scents, over all the other senses bring back memories the strongest. Today there was a breeze blowing in my room, and as i was alone i was going to shut it, but as i bent to pull the window down, my nose stopped me before I could and as I closed my eyes i was instantly six years old again laying in the snow in my backyard looking up at the clouds wondering what i was going to be like when i grew up, and knowing that i had my whole life in front of me (ever since i was a child i thought about EVERYTHING). Honestly, those times i had to my own devices as a child in little Challis Idaho were probably some of my favorites. I never had imaginary friends when i was little, but I almost always conversed with Jesus like i was talking to my mom or a best friend. It's interesting now, because throughout my various (and incredibly minimal) life experiences, i have leaned heavily on the fact that Jesus is always there for me, and will always know what to do. A reality I still rely heavily on now as a young adult, with responsibilities mounting upon me. I'll have it known that I never had a desire to grow up. If I could have maintained a five-year old persona in Neverland, it would've happened. However, I do want everything God has for me and a five-year old Alyse could probably not accomplish what an eighteen or whatever age Alyse could accomplish for his purposes.

Another thought that has been recurring in my mind has been that in two years I will be twenty years old... I have had yet to feel old, but it is definitely been becoming familiar as i let my mind mull over this. I know it's not OLD but just the thought that i've been around for two whole decades is big. I also feel like 20 is the official mark for being an adult. Legally i'm an adult, but 20 doesn't have teen in it. Yuck. I'll officially have to grow up then... or not.

Thursday was a pretty big day, because we got the news we had a snow day, the fire alarm went off, and then the power went out all in a span of three hours. Some of my favorite memories were made that night, however. As with most power-outages, an adventure is born when your home is suddenly turned into a magnificent land when something as simple as the lighting is affected. I know that growing up, many a hide-and-go-seek was the best when all of the lights in the house were turned out (man i'm getting a little teary-eyed here).

The past few weeks have been spent making new relationships midst trifling with work from classes each day. Thank goodness the snow's gone, because with the hills around here it was getting to be quite the work to get off of campus.

--this post will soon be followed by another as this was obviously written a few weeks ago, haha. I was positive i posted it, but i guess not!--

~Alyse :)