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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Keep the Beat up

My obsession with upbeat, happy songs is not restricted to seasons, because i just stumbled across this little gold mine and i've been listening to it on repeat daily through YouTube. So please, check it out and see why my life was drastically changed by it's smooth rhythm and hypnotic beat.


That was by a band called "Walk off the Earth" that I am currently obsessed with, and if you know me at all, you know that songs like this and ones similar to it by artists such as: Eric Hutchinson, Sara Bareilles, Band of Horses, Needtobreathe and so many others are the artists that know my heart without ever meeting me. I even have a playlist riddled with music like this that just makes me want to dance the day away and go frolic in a field or something. And in all actuality if it's a sunny day, and i'm listening to any of these artists and i'm walking to class you might see me with the biggest smile and a little skip in my step, because they have that effect on me. It's practically involuntary as they invade my muscles and force me to move along with their rhythms and beats.

Going into college I thought I would have to pick and choose my passions, as I did not have the opportunity to exercise all of them. This was true to an extent, because I cannot major in all of the arts that I greatly esteem, but I can find other avenues to exercise them on my own time. I have so many opportunities at Resonate, the church that I attend here in Moscow, and at Cru (formally know as Campus Crusade for Christ).

Every week I am thankful for the support system that I have been surrounded with, both at home, and through the friends I have made at school. I know that my mission and purpose for going to U of I would not even be remotely successful if I did not have them in my life.

Ecclesiastes1:2-5 says, "'Everything is meaningless.' says the Teacher, 'completely meaningless!' What do people do for all their hard work under the sun? Generations come and generations go, but the earth never changes. The sun rises and the sun sets, then hurries around to rise again." It has become apparent to me, that this is more true than ever. Sometimes the motivation to engage in every day responsibilities takes every ounce of will-power I can muster and then some. It is also very hard to get used to putting every ounce of effort into studying only to fall short of my goal on a test... I guess it's one of the many lessons i'm learning about college (and, as so many people have so  kindly pointed out, life lessons) and I should get used to it. Unless of course I get myself a nice sugar daddy and all of my money problems will be solved. THAT was definitely a joke... yuck. 

Since we are on the subject of marriage, and in the spirit of Valentine's Day, and to quote a favorite movie Court Jester (check it out) "When I marry, I marry for love". AND that dude better have his head on his shoulders and stuff together, because there's NO chance. In fact, to all the boys out there: stop being so scared of everything you hide in your room constantly fussing over life's problems, and whether or not a girl likes you, and fricken PURSUE HER. I guarantee you that if you dig up the dead idea of chivalry, and treat her like the daughter of God she is, give her genuine compliments instead of fake empty ones, you will have a date. Sheesh. Be confident in the Man of God you were meant to be, trust in His ultimate plan, don't plan so far in advance that you're married in your mind, live day by day, and enjoy life while you have it, you WILL have a good date! I think every one needs to stop obsessing about finding their "one and only" because the truth is that no man or women will ever satisfy that hole you have in your heart that you're constantly stuffing with the crap that King Solomon was talking about in Ecclesiastes... that turned into a rant about something that's a little larger than a simple date I guess, but hey the information got out there somehow. 

I apologize if this post is choppy at all, because i'm multi-tasking by watching the musical "Hello Dolly" with Barbara Streisand. Fun fact: did you know that Gene Kelly directed Hello Dolly? That's the same guy who also directed and starred in "Singin' in the Rain" which is my all-time favorite musical, and a large reason why I love them so much. 

Well, that pretty much concludes this entry. It was kind of all over the place for many reasons, and I think I let a little bit of my opinion slip... but whatever, all the more entertaining, right? Thanks so much for reading! And if it inspired you, tell a friend!


~Alyse :)


  1. Hey Alyse,

    I had read one of your posts at the beginning of the year and had intended on keeping up, but I didn't catch a single one until now. And since you're one of my villagers and we haven't had a lot of time to chat, I thought I'd do some stalking and read them all in one fell swoop, which is what I've just done.

    I always enjoy going back and reviewing my own past, seeing the growth, the good times and the blessings; but I can't say I've ever reviewed a friend's. It's funny to recognize so many of your hopes, struggles and joys (the Admin Lawn as well as the Old and New Arbs have given me snapshots of God's glory many a-times). My first year was tempestuous, but vivificative as the Good Lord took a hold of my life and began to mold my life to His will.

    A revelation that only comes with time that I wish I could transcend to you freshmen is that every semester will have it's own woes, challenges, and devastation (the magnitudes of which are completely in the eye of the beholder); but every semester will also have a fresh point of view, unprecedented delights and incomprehensible growth in every way.

    It fills me with joy and inspiration that you live a life so dedicated to God, and that you can see the little blessings in every day living. I look forward to seeing where God takes you these next few years, and I hope He'll continue to allow me to witness your passion.

    It's a pleasure to know you Alyse and to have you in our small group. Say hey to the rest of the Kappas for me. =)

    Take Care,

    P.S. I liked the scripture references before, you should bring them back. :D

  2. Ben! This is the coolest comment i think i've ever gotten! Next post i'll for sure bring back the references! Haha, thanks so much for reading it means a lot!
