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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Me Without Facebook - Week 1

For those of you who know that I am giving up Facebook for Lent, i'm sure you're just beside yourselves with laughter, because I have always been a devoted, and avid user of the social networking site.

Well, for a month I have decided to fast from the website in order to grow closer in my relationship with God, because honestly it occupies entirely too much of my time and is a horrid distraction for my homework, spiritual life, and ironically social life.. at least in the real world.

The first day was mostly resisting the habit of checking my facebook, and it wasn't necessarily a temptation. I caught myself a few times with my mouse hovering over the bookmark I had set on my browser bar, and I quickly decided that it needed to be deleted asap, or the temptation would be too great. The following days were mostly spent catching up to all of the information in the House, because most of our communication is through Facebook, as well as other areas of my life where that communication is key. So, therin, fasting from it has really just been more of an inconvenience than anything else... also when our house has a function and i can't view the pictures it gets really obnoxious, but a few of them were kind enough to let me view them, so that's okay :)

And for those of you who are seeing this without me posting it on Facebook... I LOVE YOU! And for those of you who see this series after I break my fast, you're okay... but I have fans then! Ah! That's so cool :)

A few areas of the bible have really stood out to me, as when you fast from something you're usually supposed to fill that time you would have spent doing that activity, in the Word.

With my best friend, I read a few chapters in Joshua. Well, the first three, ha. The biggest thing I noticed is how God said over and over and continuously reiterated "Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave or forsake you. Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS for you shall cause these people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you." (Joshua 1:5-7, emphasis mine). It is so beautiful that even through the beginning, one of the biggest things that God emphasized was that he was always with us, and will never forsake us. I encourage you to check it out for yourself, as always. If you have questions, there is a perfectly good comment box underneath this post that I also encourage you to exercise. Ask anything you want, and i'll answer it to the best of my ability!

Another book I've been getting into is one of my favorites in the Old Testament, 1st and 2nd Samuel. A particular verse is 2 Samuel 22:31 "As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him." It is so beautiful to me how confident we can be in the strength, power, and Love of God. One particular verse that seems to always put me in my place in regards to the might of God is Job 25:4 "How can a mere mortal stand before God and claim to the righteous? Who in all the earth is pure? God is so glorious that even the moon and stars scarcely shine compared to Him." How amazing is that? That this mighty God who caused walls to tumble, loves us and pursues us with a fierce, and i'll repeat it FIERCE passion. How truly amazing and awesome is it that we, sinful human kind have the all-powerful God who looks on us with compassion and made a way, a bridge to Him over the pit of sin to eternal life, through Christ Jesus the Lord. Yes, we mess up His message in a variety and diversity of ways by being what we are, but He made a way. "For God so loved the world that He sent His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16). I'm sure that if you've ever been to Sunday School at all, you've heard that verse.

Well, that concludes this Post. If you're looking for a great read, check out 2 Samuel 9. Good stuff, it just goes to show you what a gem David was, and how he was constantly chasing after God's heart. And maybe, keep on reading! There's a wealth of info in there, and DO NOT be afraid to ask someone who could give you answers, questions :) ...if that makes any sense.

Also, this week (Feb. 27-Mar. 2) I have the opportunity to perform this monologue:


It's pretty bare bones here, but i'm performing it live at Super-Village at Resonate during worship and I feel so blessed, because it was on my Bucket List, and now I can say that I've done it! Hope you like it :)

Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it!

~Alyse :)

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